Sunday, September 11, 2011

Guest Feature: Dover Wal-Mart and Feet Fetishes

Within the past year, I've gotten to get to know this awesome girl named Nicole Nadler. She's pretty, cool and super nice :) And clearly she also attracts the awkward. And here is her story from a few weeks ago.

Okay so I was in walmart and it was quite crowded due to the upcoming hurricane. I'm barely in the store for 5 minutes when a very redneck guy on crutches approaches me asking me if I will help him pick out some dressy shoes for his girlfriend. He was really creepy but I was having a cheerful morning and warily agreed, despite my gut feeling. My true thought process was that since God doesn't judge me by how (un)educated, (un)attractive, and (un)appealing I am, I shouldn't judge others on that basis either. So we go across the walmart to the shoe section. He tells me that the crutches he is using are actually for his gf because she hurt herself... which should have been my first red flag. I mean, who uses someone else's crutches when they aren't even the one who is hurt?! So then he asks ME to use the crutches to get a height measurement and take off my left shoe bc that is the foot she hurt... I was feeling all sorts of uncomfortable but didn't want to be rude... So I did. And much to my surprise and he said "well you have to bend your knee like its in a cast" and bent down and TOUCHED MY FOOT to show me how "her" foot is positioned. I was so weirded out and THEN he whipped out his phone and asked is he could take a picture of me (and my foot) on crutches to show "her" and I said "no, that's not necessary". Since he already had his phone out though he was slick and I am about 99% sure he took a picture. Of my foot. In Wal-Mart. So then I just turned around and ran away and will be forever traumatized by the thought of whatever entertainment and joy that photo is bringing to the man.


  1. Hahaha oh man. You guys, you don't have to do everything asked of you by random strangers! Learn to say no! It won't make you a bad person, honest.

  2. lol, Em. I know how to say 'no' i just don't know how to stop getting asked to do awkward things before I get the chance to say 'no'.
