Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An Update

Hey there, awkward readers!

I just wanted to give you an update on my life since I haven’t posted any of my awkward stories on here since December. Have awkward stories happened to me? Yes, of course. I had a strange man follow me from when I walked out of my dorm to Trabant the other day. He originally wasn’t walking in the same direction that I was headed either but he turned around when I passed him.  Nothing came of it so I can’t write about it.

But there have been no solid stories in a while. I like to think it’s because I’m getting skilled at dealing with them however that would be a complete lie- I’m awkward. I really think it’s mainly due to two reasons. 
  1. I haven’t been out that much in places where I can create stories. Between work, family, shyness and sickness, I just haven’t been places this year where the awkward can creep on me.
  2. A lot of my stories that are my truly awkward stories I can’t write up because of privacy issues. Aka some of my creepers have found my blog and read it or some of you made me feel super awkward but I won’t tell you or write about it because I don’t want you knowing.
But do not fear. I’m still very awkward at heart. And I’m sure more stories will come.

In the meantime, please watch this video. These are very awkward.

and this one too. They won't let me put it directly on this page though, sorry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4sfh2u8cgU