Monday, May 24, 2010

The Awkward Face

HI. My name is Cara but lots of people call me Face. 'Why?' you ask. Well... translated into Spanish, cara means face. And I did travel to Guatemala where my host insisted that I say 'me llamo cara' and all the children and adults would laugh at me. (Fun fact: cara means face in Spanish, expensive in Italian, dear in Latin, friendly in Gaillic... so therefore I am a dear, expensive, friendly face.) I also am an engineer, a Marylander living in Delaware and a blonde.

Anyway, it has come to my attention that I have a lot of random and/or awkward thoughts, experiences and events occur in my life that I should record for others to read. Now, I am not a writer or an articulate person (after all, I am an engineer) but I still have been encouraged to write them all down. Therefore, I have started a blog to document all of my ridiculousness.

So stay tuned.

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